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Classic Motor Show 2022

01 Oct 2024

Retroford Magazine presents the 3rd Show Car of the 1300E Owners Club at NEC2024

Ford Escort 1300E Owners Club Stand: 8-070
Retroford Magazine presents the 3rd Show Car of the 1300E Owners Club at NEC2024

Retroford Magazine presents the 3rd Show Car of the 1300E Owners Club at NEC2024

“The 1300E – a sophisticated thoroughbred”, “the car you expect a lot from” and “stylish performance”.

Ford really pushed the boat out when it produced brochures for the Escort 1300E. Its headlines conjured up visions of a car for the connoisseur as they had done for the Cortina 1600E.  They truly wanted to capture the market of the upcoming executive or the sophisticated woman of means such as Patricia Routledge’s reworking, as Hyacinth Bucket ('pronounced "bouquet"'), of Penelope Keith's defining role as Margot Leadbeater, the suburban snob, in The Good Life (1974), the suburban snob in The Good Life (1974).

Ford made sure that they had subliminal messages thoroughly dotted around in brochure text. Phases such as “features you can’t find buy with any other Escort”, “luxurious”, “stylish”, “sporty”, “unique features”, “real wood” and options as standard that you only dreamt of such as halogen driving lamps, heated rear window and a door mounted mirror! Things that are now lost in the levels of standard equipment today, so it is hard to imagine getting excited about them.

Then in the 1970’s you could not go without the handsome pillar badges, black vinyl roof or wall to wall plush carpet. Remember rubber matting throughout was standard equipment 50 years ago.

Special soundproofing in the cabin made it onto the brochure too. It was new and if you wanted to be in a car like a Rolls Royce then it had to waft you along in a quiet and serene environment. Surprisingly though, you had to buy an optional push button radio so even though the cabin was whisper quiet you had to sing to yourself if you did not buy it. Did the radio only receive BBC Radio 3 though?

Ford really pushed the boundaries of artistic license in the 1300E brochure with a top speed claim of almost 100mph, we already know they have quoted 99mph and then reduced it to 93mph. In addition, powerful acceleration of 0-60mph in 13.3 seconds. What would we say about this now as it’s not exactly g-force power?

Ford summed up its sales pitch, to the almost rich and famous clientele, with the final statement “If you take pride in staying ahead on the road this could be the car you are looking for. Its everything you expect – plus a lot more” (but no standard radio LOL).

Series one Escort 1300E’s we made from March 1973 to the end of Sept 1973. Cars after this date are referred to as Series Two and were fully built at Fords Halewood plant.  Around 11,000 were built in total and production finally ended on the 16th December 1974. From the original 3 colours of purple velvet, amber gold and venetian gold, the 1300E was eventually available in 14 body colours, according to the Ford brochure.

Retroford Magazine presents The Ford Escort 1300E Owners Clubs 3rd display car VPO495N, a late series 2 1300E, often referred to as a facelift car. Built at Ford’s Halewood plant in July 1974 and rolled off the line in this Special-Order Onyx Green (Code 54) with rare saddle brown interior. Registered on the 19th September 1974 and purchased from Ford main Agent Hendy Lennox of Portsmouth.

Mr. S Taylor kept the car for nearly 19 years, selling it to Mr. R Bravery in June 1993, and on 3rd July 1994, the car won second place in the working car section of the 1300E owners club national day. Mr. D Buss became the 3rd owner in May 1996, who was a ford main agent mechanic and restored the car to a very high standard. He put it into storage for many years. The car was then bought by Mr. M Hendy, before selling it on to Mr. D Grove in March 2021. Mr. M Hendy bought it back again before Paul purchased the car from him on 2nd April 2022, making him the 7th owner.

How you see the car today is mainly how Paul bought it as it remains largely original, with just a few subtle modifications, having still only covered a mere 57,000 miles from new. The car original opening rear quarter windows were removed early on and replaced with fixed windows under an official Ford recall.

The car is showing for the first time at the NEC 2024 and Retroford Magazine knows the car will draw a crowd given its special paint and interior colours on stand 8-070!


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