As an exhibiting club, you been issued your own unique code for your club members, friends and followers to use when booking tickets.
This year your Club Code unlocks a £4 discount off Friday, Saturday or Sunday adult day tickets and £2 off children, family and multiday tickets. Valid on advance ticket sales only, available until midnight on Thursday 7 November 2024.
All ticket sales using your code will be attributed to your club to receive the benefits as outlined below.
Club Benefits
1. Additional Exhibitor Wristbands
Encourage your members to purchase tickets before 3 weeks out. For every 8 tickets sold quoting your club code before midnight on Thursday 17 October you will earn one additional exhibitor wristband, up to a maximum of four wristbands.
Any ticket type purchased by Thursday 17 October 2024 quoting your club code is applicable to this part of the club benefits offer.
Additional wristbands earnt will be added to your standard allocation of exhibitor wristbands (details on how these will be issued will be given in the exhibitor manual).
Sales made after Thursday 17 October 2024 using your club code will not earn further wristbands.
2. Commission on Ticket Sales
If your club code is quoted for sales of 100 or more single-day adult tickets, up to and including show open days, you will earn a one-off commission of £5 and then 40p for every ticket sold over 100.
Offered only on sales of single-day adult club tickets (@£4 discount).
Commission will be paid post-show
3. Club Stand Information Form - Earn Bonus Exhibitor Wristbands!
Submit key stand details for pre-show promotion and earn additional exhibitor wristbands. Provide your display information for our newsletter, social media, or press releases. A submission form will be available soon in the EZone.
- Submit by 17 September with a copyright-free photo to receive TWO extra wristbands.
- Submit by 10 October to receive ONE extra wristband.
Don't miss this opportunity to boost your presence at the show and get rewarded!
How to use your code
- Publish the club ticket offer advert, with your club code added, in all members-only publications and online areas
- Send out the club ticket offer advert / club code and show details by email or post to your members only
Keep us informed
Please send a digital copy showing inclusion of the club ticket offer advert in your members' publication &/or members-only webpage/forum &/or email sent to your membership, to Alison on