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PR Opportunities

Classic Motor Show 2022

PR Opportunities

We aim to get as much exposure as possible for the show and our exhibitors and clubs in the press before, during and after the show.

Working with Andrea Seed at Poppyseed Media we receive coverage in all the major classic motoring titles, on websites, blogs, as well as in broadsheets, tabloids and motoring glossies. 

We are keen to include details about your company/club's display in all of the above activity, as well as within our own newsletters and social media posts. 

To help us maximise coverage for you, here are some pointers:

  • Complete the Club Stand Information Form as quickly as possible. Magazine previews have long lead times so send your news in early!
  • Pictures speak a thousand words.  Please supply a print-quality copyright-free photograph relevant to your display.
  • You don't need to write your own press release, just email us the information we need

Send us details about your planned stand display focusing on newsworthy, interesting or quirky aspects, such as

  • Will you be celebrating an anniversary? 
  • What interesting vehicles are you bringing? 
  • Have you planned an intriguing interpretation of this year's show theme?
  • What is 'new' about your stand this year, is there anything unusual or unexpected planned?
  • Why is your display of interest?

If you wish to provide a quote from a relevant person, use this to give insight and opinion rather than factual information.

Clarify how interested readers can find out more - provide an appropriate link to your website or contact details you are happy to have published.

To be considered for inclusion, complete our Club Stand Information Form as soon as possible. However, if the form is not set up yet, or you struggle to complete send your news and copy-right free photograph, as soon as possible to: and

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